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A man who was murdered by police had earlier planned to kill his father.

In Hamburg, a fire department operation experiences an unanticipated twist. Initially, they aid a man with burns, only to have gunshots fired thereafter.

The number of the police emergency number 110 is written on the windshield of a police car in which...
The number of the police emergency number 110 is written on the windshield of a police car in which a Red Cross vehicle is reflected.

Probing into matters - A man who was murdered by police had earlier planned to kill his father.

In Hamburg on Friday night, a man was shot by the police, who claim he tried to murder his father earlier. Preliminary findings reveal that he set his father's clothing ablaze. Frightened, the senior rushed to the stairwell of his apartment building, seeking assistance. Fortunately, neighbors intervened and alerted both the cops and the emergency services. These caregivers quickly treated his severe burn wounds.

Sadly, when the police finally arrived, the 51-year-old man began firing at them. To protect themselves, officers were compelled to draw their service weapons and engage in a shoot-out. Tragically, the man sustained fatal injuries during the scuffle. Investigators are currently examining whether he fired rounds containing sharp bullets.

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