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A man stabs his apartment door.

In the midst of a physical fight, one person quickly draws a knife. His adversary rushes behind a door, only to have it become the new target of the aggressor.

A police vehicle is parked at the side of the road.
A police vehicle is parked at the side of the road.

Unlawful Behavior - A man stabs his apartment door.

A 33-year-old guy is thought to have attacked someone with a knife and slammed it into their front door in the coastal vacation spot of Rerik (Rostock area). The 63-year-old target stayed unhurt throughout the battle and called the cops on Sunday night, as mentioned by the police on Monday.

Preliminary inquiries point to the 33-year-old drawing out the knife during a bodily conflict, causing the other person to retreat behind the door. The supposed culprit is then said to have pierced the door. Because of his psychological state, he was entered into a hospital and briefly imprisoned. On Monday, the investigative team is presumed to assume responsibility for exploring the formerly obscure motives.

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The incident occurred in the County of Rostock, specifically in Rerik, a part of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The local authorities, being the Police, are currently investigating the motives behind the man's unprovoked attack on the apartment door with a knife.



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