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A man is admitted to psychiatric hospital

A man causes a serious accident on the A7 near Neumünster, threatens police officers, and is stopped only by a gunshot to the leg. He is now being taken to a psychiatric facility.

A 55-year-old threatens police with a knife after an accident. He can only be stopped by a shot to...
A 55-year-old threatens police with a knife after an accident. He can only be stopped by a shot to the thigh, according to police reports.

- A man is admitted to psychiatric hospital

A 55-year-old man who threatened police with a knife after a crash on the A7 near Neumünster and was subsequently shot has been admitted to a psychiatric facility. The suspect's inpatient commitment under the "Law for the Assistance and Custody of Persons in Need of Care due to Psychiatric Disorders (PsychHG)" was ordered by the court, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Kiel announced. The commitment is currently being carried out at the Friedrich-Ebert Hospital in Neumünster under police guard. According to media reports, the man had attempted to leave the hospital. Further details about the background of the incident on Monday were not initially available.

The man had driven at high speed in a zigzag pattern across all lanes of the A7, according to police reports. Officers in two unmarked police cars who were in the area attempted to stop and control the 55-year-old. The man's vehicle crashed and overturned. He exited the car and threatened the officers with a knife. After unsuccessful orders to drop the knife and a warning shot into the air, an officer fired a shot into the man's thigh.

The incident on the A7 involved a crash where the man lost control of his vehicle. Due to the man's aggressive behavior with a knife post-accident, a shot was necessary to subdue him.

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