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A man in Neukölln was allegedly subjected to insults and physical attacks with anti-Semitic intent.

A male individual sought medical attention for a finger wound in Berlin-Neukölln, prompting him to seek guidance from a youthful gathering. Unforeseen violence ensued.

Ein Polizeiauto bei einem Einsatz
Ein Polizeiauto bei einem Einsatz

Breach of the law - A man in Neukölln was allegedly subjected to insults and physical attacks with anti-Semitic intent.

In Berlin-Neukölln, a man seeking directions to the hospital was attacked by a group of youngsters, his own story claims. The incident occurred on Monday night into Tuesday, with one youth initially guiding him toward the clinic. Once they arrived at the location, two to three more youths gathered around him, and one of them allegedly swung a chin strap, missing him, as authorities disclosed.

The man, who is 29 years old, claims he fell from the force of the blow. The group continued to verbally abuse him with antisemitic remarks while he was on the ground, as per the police statement. The man managed to ward them off with his water bottle. On Monday, he went to a police station and filed a complaint. He had a swelling on his jaw, although he didn't want to get it treated when he submitted the report. The police department is currently conducting an investigation. It's uncertain if the man, an Egyptian national, is Jewish.

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