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A man attempts to pass a bus despite an inhibition, resulting in six injuries.

A 70-year-old motorist provoked a disastrous chain reaction by attempting to overtake a bus in a barred area, resulting in injuries to six individuals, including children.

A policeman on duty.
A policeman on duty.

Walking through Pasewalk - A man attempts to pass a bus despite an inhibition, resulting in six injuries.

In Pasewalk, a 70-year-old man caused an accident while trying to illegally overtake a bus. This resulted in injuries to six people, three of whom were children. The man attempted to overtake the bus during a left turn, despite it being forbidden on that section of the road. The bus driver and the driver of the oncoming car had to quickly react, allowing the 70-year-old to return to his lane just seconds before a collision.

Unfortunately, the driver behind the car of the 37-year-old did not have enough time to brake, and crashed into the vehicle in front. The adults and children - aged 5, 9, and 13 - from the second car, along with the first car's driver, all had their injuries to varying degrees, but none were critical.

The 70-year-old was promptly identified and must now face charges for endangering traffic. The L321 highway had to be closed temporarily as a result of the incident.

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