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A majority of youths are nonsmokers; throwaway e-cigarettes are in demand among smokers.

Continued Decline in Youth Smoking in Germany, Slight Increase Among Boys: New Study A study by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) in Berlin reveals an ongoing trend of fewer young people smoking in Germany. However, the percentage of 12-17-year-old boys who smoke has increased...

Mann mit E-Zigarette
Mann mit E-Zigarette

A majority of youths are nonsmokers; throwaway e-cigarettes are in demand among smokers.

In 2001, about 27.2% of young men aged 12 to 17 were fraudulent smokers, while in 2023, this figure dropped significantly to 7.2%. Interestingly, this is slightly higher than the 5.5% reported in the 2021 survey. For young female smokers in the same age range, the percentage decreased from 27.9% in 2001 to 6.4% in 2023. Comparatively, in 2021, 6.8% of these young girls smoked.

Additionally, the study highlighted a decrease in smoking rates in the 18- to 25-year-old age group. Currently, about 33.6% of young men and 18.4% of young women smoke in this age range.

Intriguingly, the consumption of disposable e-cigarettes among 12- to 17-year-olds is similar to that of tobacco cigarettes – 6.7% and 7.4%, respectively. Water pipes and reusable e-cigarettes follow with 3.9% each. Among 18- to 25-year-olds, 25.4% of both male and female respondents smoked tobacco cigarettes in the past month, and 12% of them used disposable e-cigarettes.

The German government's drug commissioner, Burkhard Blienert (SPD), expressed positive sentiment, stating that the high number of non-smokers among young people was "encouraging." However, he also cautioned that disposable e-cigarettes, which attract younger people like 12-year-olds, "have a special charm, possibly because they are so small, colorful, and inexpensive."

Blienert shared that nearly 127,000 people die annually in Germany due to tobacco-related health complications. Therefore, he emphasized the need for more education, prevention, and smoking cessation measures.

Johannes Nießen, the acting head of the BZgA, shared similar concerns about the popularity of disposable e-cigarettes, mentioning their "pocket money prices" and broad appeal to young people. He also criticized the "sweet aromas" for misleading about the harmful effects of these products.

The study involved surveying approximately 7,000 young people between April and June 2023 to assess their drug preferences.

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