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A legal obstacle arises: discussing the next steps in Sellner's case.

After suffering a loss against right-wing extremist Martin Sellner at Potsdam's administrative court, city authorities are reviewing their options. "Initially, we'll thoroughly analyze the Potsdam Administrative Court's ruling. Then, we'll coordinate internally and update you on the situation,"...

Martin Sellner, then head of the right-wing "Identitarian Movement" from Austria, attends a press...
Martin Sellner, then head of the right-wing "Identitarian Movement" from Austria, attends a press event.

In a recent ruling, the Administrative Court in Potsdam overturned a nationwide entry ban imposed on the former head of the Identitarian Movement in Austria, Martin Sellner, by the city of Potsdam. As a result, Sellner can keep entering Germany. The decision came after the court determined that the ban was found to be unlawful during the expedited legal proceedings.

The ban was originally imposed by the Foreigners' Office of the Brandenburg state capital in early 2024, in response to a speech Sellner had made at a gathering of far-right activists in a Potsdam villa in November 2023. At this event, Sellner was said to have discussed the concept of "Remigration." This term is often used by extremists to suggest expelling people of foreign origin from the country, sometimes by force. The meeting in Potsdam sparked widespread public protests across the country.

The city of Potsdam defended the ban, claiming that Sellner posed a threat to public order and safety. However, Sellner fought back with an urgent application to the court, asking for the ban to be lifted.

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