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A justice worker is hiding investigation files: Fine in Duesseldorf

A 46-year-old former employee of the Düsseldorf District Court has been sentenced to a fine because she allegedly hid or failed to process some files of the public prosecutor's office. The defendant was penalized for impeding justice and prison violation with a fine of 4200 Euro, a court...


A justice worker is hiding investigation files: Fine in Duesseldorf

The actions took place between November 2022 and July 2023. According to the indictment, the Woman allegedly extended the re-submission deadlines of files without authorization. The goal was reportedly to avoid having to process them later or even at all. In addition, she hid a part of the files in the rooms of the Juvenile Offenses and Sexual Offenses Prosecution Office.

As a result, the files were presented to the respective prosecutors too late or not at all. This allegedly delayed the prosecution in each case. In some cases, the prosecution was reportedly completely thwarted due to the statute of limitations.

According to the court spokeswoman, the defendant accepted the verdict announced on Monday. However, the decision is not legally binding yet, as the prosecution can still appeal.

Ms. Smith, a justice employee in Düsseldorf, found herself at the center of an investigative file due to her actions between November 2022 and July 2023. According to the indictment, she allegedly fine-tuned the re-submission deadlines of various investigative files without authorization, which led to some files being presented to the respective prosecutors too late or not at all. These lapses reportedly delayed or even prevented prosecutions in some cases, as the statute of limitations expired on certain investigative files: Investigative files like 'Investigative file A' and 'Investigative file B'.

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