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A district councillor for the AfD, Sesselmann, is reportedly in a relationship with a former member of the NPD.

Nearly a year has passed since Robert Sesselmann was appointed as Germany's first AfD district councillor. Recently, he admitted to being in a relationship with an NPD party member.

Robert Sesselmann (AfD) before the district council meeting.
Robert Sesselmann (AfD) before the district council meeting.

Radical ideologies - A district councillor for the AfD, Sesselmann, is reportedly in a relationship with a former member of the NPD.

Robert Sesselmann, a county councilor for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has spoken out about his romantic involvement with a former member of the National Democratic Party (NPD). They've been together since May, and according to Sesselmann, "she's been my life partner since then."

Interestingly, he claims he didn't know about her past before they met, even though she was actively involved with the NPD. In fact, she left the party in 2019, and her police service record shows no incidents. When asked if he engages with NPD or Home members, he stated that it's possible during election campaigns or citizen dialogues, "just like I would talk to anyone from other political organizations."

These allegations were first brought to light by Katharina König-Preuss, a Left party MP in Thuringia. She accessed information from an anti-fascist research group. There's even an image circulating online that claims to show Sesselmann's girlfriend posing in front of a swastika flag and a portrait of Adolf Hitler. The Thuringian Constitutional Protection Report of 2018 mentions her connections to major NPD members and nationwide right-wing extremists as well.

Sesselmann insists that this relationship is purely personal, not political. In May, he spent four days with his partner, combining the vacation with election campaign activities. He clarified that his partner wasn't involved in the campaign and assured everyone that his duties as county councilor have nothing to do with their relationship.

Sesselmann was elected as the first national AfD county councilor last summer, leading to widespread criticism and shock across the country. The Thuringian AfD chaired by Björn Höcke is regarded as reliably right-wing extremist by the security authorities. Despite this, the Thuringian State Administration Office investigated Sesselmann's loyalty to the constitution after his election and found no issues. County councilors are obligated to uphold the principles of the liberal-democratic constitution.

Despite the potential controversy, Sesselmann maintains that his personal life doesn't interfere with his duties as a county councilor. He reiterated his dedication to his job and verified that his cross-party duties are completely neutral.

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