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A different person is being interrogated in the Frankfurt trial of "Reichsbürger".

A group linked to Prince Henry XIII Reuss allegedly plotted a violent coup. Authorities are interrogating witnesses for the second consecutive day concerning the personal details of the suspected ring leader.

Police SEK officers escort the main defendant Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß (M) to a car after the end...
Police SEK officers escort the main defendant Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß (M) to a car after the end of the trial, in which he is taken to the prison.

The ongoing trial against a supposed "Reichsbürger" organization led by Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuß took place in Frankfurt am Main on Wednesday, with a witness being questioned regarding financial connections.

Present at the Higher Regional Court, the investigator mostly discussed the "Reuß Group" and his investigations into their assets; this encompassed land registrations, properties, businesses, and company shares.

Reuß was reported to possess control over various British company accounts, but it was not apparent "[which] company is involved in this or that business field," according to the witness. Moreover, the investigator mentioned properties linked to Reuß, such as those in Thuringia. In the beginning, there were plans to have four witnesses present for the hearing. Nevertheless, two were let go due to the extended duration of the first interrogation lasting approximately three hours.

Nine individuals are charged in Frankfurt with being members of a terrorist association or supporting it. Prosecutors allege a coup plot, announcing they were conscious of taking lives. They also claim the defendants had begun to establish a structure for their potential state order, with Reuß taken as the head of state. The defendants' innocence is assumed until the verdict is issued.

During the previous hearing, the court's attention centered on investigative findings about Reuß' life details, including business partnerships, internet presence, clubs, automobile count, monetary holdings, and places of residence.

The defense has repeatedly denied the accusations, while Reuß is said to have requested to speak during the trial, according to his lawyers on Tuesday. The specific timing for his intended statement is still undisclosed.

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