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A dental practice that operates on a mobile basis has set off on a tour across Martha's Vineyard.

A mobile dental clinic began its journey through Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Monday, commencing in Ribnitz-Damgarten within the Vorpommern-Rügen district. The region-wide pilot initiative aims to improve dental care accessibility for the elderly population.

A dentist looks at a patient's teeth with a mirror.
A dentist looks at a patient's teeth with a mirror.

Well-being Or Vitality - A dental practice that operates on a mobile basis has set off on a tour across Martha's Vineyard.

Different from regular doctors, dentists typically don't visit patients at their homes, as shared by Land Health Minister Stefanie Drese (SPD) during the launch of the initiative. For people with mobility issues, a mobile dental care is both practical and supportive.

Come the start of July, five dentists are expected to embark on their journey with the treatment van. Soon enough, these dentists on board will make their way to Rügen, Usedom, and Rostock.

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