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A court case is being initiated due to an assault on a politician in Göttingen.

Recent weeks have seen various assaults on politicians, with one instance coming under legal scrutiny at the moment.

Marie Kollenrott.
Marie Kollenrott.

Political gatherings or social events attended for pleasure and celebration. - A court case is being initiated due to an assault on a politician in Göttingen.

It's been revealed that a 66-year-old man will stand trial for allegedly assaulting a Green Party politician in Göttingen. According to the Göttingen District Court, the prosecute office filed charges against the elderly individual on Monday. The court has set the date for the trial as June 17th.

Authorities accuse the pensioner of launching a physical attack against Marie Kollenrott, a Lower Saxony state representative, during a campaign event in the city's core. It's said that he struck her arm multiple times and verbally abused her. In her own account, Kollenrott reported holding bruises on her left upper arm post-incident. The offender was apprehended by the police soon after the alleged assault near to the crime scene. The authorities had previously taken note of the suspect due to his employ of Nazi symbols and had also convicted him for this prior.

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