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A fire department vehicle is parked at a scene with its blue lights switched on.
A fire department vehicle is parked at a scene with its blue lights switched on.

Infernos break out in various areas. Or Multiple blazes occur throughout diverse regions. - A Bundeswehr bus catches fire in Lower Bavaria.

A Bundeswehr bus went up in flames in Lower Bavaria. Authorities believe a technical glitch is to blame for the blaze, which occurred on Wednesday in the Bavarian Forest near Bodenmais (Regen district). No one was hurt during the incident. The cost of the damages is estimated to be around 40,000 euros.

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The incident prompted local police to divert traffic in the area. Despite the fires in various parts of Bavaria, the German Armed Forces continued their mobilization plans. Bodenmais, located in Lower Bavaria, was unaffected by the infernos. Authorities are encouraging residents to adhere to safety guidelines amidst the ongoing fire risks.

