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A blue-hued chamber unearthed in Pompeii is believed to have housed sacred items.

Scientists continue to discover previously unknown aspects of the renowned Pompeii ruins. Recently, they have uncovered a stunning room that may have been used as a private altar.

A room with blue walls and painted female figures has been uncovered in Pompeii.
A room with blue walls and painted female figures has been uncovered in Pompeii.

Home Altar - A blue-hued chamber unearthed in Pompeii is believed to have housed sacred items.

Excavators have uncovered a spectacular blue-themed room in the flooded Roman city of Pompeii, Italy. This space is thought to have served as a Sacrarium, a kind of personal altar where sacred objects were stored. The Archaeological Park reveals this latest find.

Oyster Shells as Material

Within this luxurious area, researchers have found several amphorae, golden platters, and a pile of oyster shells which may have been employed as a building resource. Female figures are pictured on the blue-painted walls, carrying different items. These are assumed to represent the Horae, the Greek mythology goddesses of the seasons. Others display objects linked to agriculture and shepherding.

Blue - an Uncommon Color in Pompeii Frescoes

Experts claim that the color blue in Pompeii's wall art is seldom witnessed. Consequently, it was applied in aesthetically appealing spaces. This clue implies that the found room was of significance.

Within the flooded Roman town at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, archaeologists regularly unearth jaw-dropping discoveries. In 79 AD, volcanic ashes, mud, and lava blanketed the ancient city owing to many eruptions. In the 18th century, Pompeii was rediscovered. The preserved remnants of mortality and devastation still offer a glimpse into that era's lifestyle. Today, the park stands as one of Italy's most visited tourist spots.

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