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A Blossom for the Romantic Artist Caspar David Friedrich

Dresden honors Caspar David Friedrich. The distinguished Romantic-era artist spent over four decades residing in the city, commenced his artistic journey there, and receives a commemorative gift on his 250th birthday.

- A Blossom for the Romantic Artist Caspar David Friedrich

To celebrate his 250th birthday, a new rose variation is being dedicated to the pioneer of German Romanticism, Caspar David Friedrich, in Dresden. The naming ceremony is scheduled for this Thursday during Dresden's birthday festivities on Neumarkt. Culture Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU), who serves as the godmother, expressed her enthusiasm for the Caspar-David-Friedrich rose. According to her statement, the rose is intended to reflect the devotion of the renowned Romantic artist towards nature's elegance. The rose was meticulously cultivated in honor of the anniversary.

The new Caspar-David-Friedrich rose will be cultivated and showcased in Dresden's botanical gardens, enhancing the city's beauty that Friedrich once depicted in his paintings. Following the naming ceremony, visitors to Dresden's Neumarkt can admire the Caspar-David-Friedrich rose during the ongoing birthday celebrations in Dresden.

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