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A blaze ravages a dwelling in Klein Rönnau.

A massive blaze obliterates a youth hostel in Segeberg area, sparing the 18 occupants without injury. The future course of action remains undetermined.

Blaulicht ist während eines Pressetermins auf einem Einsatzfahrzeug der Feuerwehr zu sehen.
Blaulicht ist während eines Pressetermins auf einem Einsatzfahrzeug der Feuerwehr zu sehen.

Infernos occur. - A blaze ravages a dwelling in Klein Rönnau.

Over the weekend, a blaze destroyed a youth housing group's building in Klein Roennau, located in the Kreis Segeberg district. Thankfully, all 18 residents managed to escape unscathed, as confirmed by the fire department. Initially, they received care from German Red Cross employees before being housed in the town hall, as per a district fire department statement. The root cause of the fire and the ensuing damage still remain a mystery, claims the local fire department. Various media outlets previously reported on this incident.

The first notifications about the fire occurred around midnight on Saturday night. The rapid spread of the blaze could be attributed to the early age of the structure. Fighting the fire through the night and into Sunday proved a challenging feat, as the water supply system occasionally failed, requiring water to be fetched from 500 meters away from the Trave river and a hydrant on the federal highway.

Approximately 160 individuals contributed to the rescue operations, according to the fire department. Drones were also deployed to inspect the fire from above. After roughly four hours, the fire was substantially doused.

Kreisfeuerwehrverband Segeberg Press Release

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Despite the large fire causing significant damage in Schleswig-Holstein's Segeberg district, the Fire Department and the Red Cross ensured the safety of the residents. On Saturday night, a youth housing group's building in Klein Roennau went up in flames, triggering a complex rescue operation. Even with challenges such as failing water supply systems, over 160 firefighters worked tirelessly into Sunday to extinguish the blaze.


