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A 55-year-old man was assaulted and faced with a death threat.

Two individuals suspected of engaging in a violent conflict with another man have been the focus of an ongoing investigation led by a homicide squad based in Essen.

The word "police" on the hood of a car.
The word "police" on the hood of a car.

Firm Decision-Making - A 55-year-old man was assaulted and faced with a death threat.

Two individuals harassed, armed, and threatened to slay a 55-year-old person in Essen. The 41 and 18-year-old assailants had laid eyes on the gentleman at a parking spot on Tuesday evening, as confirmed by law enforcement authorities and state prosecutors on Thursday.

One of the malefactors planted himself in front of the driver's door, while his co-conspirator opened the passenger door and sat alongside the 55-year-old man. Suddenly, he doused the man with a suspected flammable substance and waved a sharp object. As well, he purloined the senior's smartphone from a holder.

Hints suggest "clash-related" violence

To elude the predicament, the 55-year-old man careened his vehicle and struck a parked car on the lot. The hoodlums made good their retreat. The lightly wounded victim, who had suffered minor injuries to his hand during the altercation, then filed a report with the police. The cops tracked down and apprehended the offenders that evening.

The causes behind the criminal deed are now under scrutiny by a homicide squad. Preliminary conclusions intimate a "clash-related" transgression, noted a police spokesperson. Nonetheless, they declined to share specifics on this. The wrongdoers and the victim had apparently interacted through mutual connections. The two perpetrators, presently in pre-trial detention, are currently under investigation for attempted murder joined by grave burglary.

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The public prosecutor's office in North Rhine-Westphalia is closely examining the relationship crime, given the mutual connections between the victim and the accused. The criminal incident has been classified as a "clash-related" transgression by the police. Despite the serious crime committed, which includes attempted murder and grave burglary, detectives are working diligently to gather evidence and establish the full context. The lightly injured 55-year-old man, who narrowly escaped death, is providing crucial information to aid in the investigation.

