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A 15-year-old cyclist was severely hurt after getting struck by a car.

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

A crash occurred. - A 15-year-old cyclist was severely hurt after getting struck by a car.

A teenage cyclist, aged 15, was struck by a car and smashed into the windshield in Landkreis Regensburg. The incident happened when he made a left turn from a state road in Worth, along the Danube. A 70-year-old woman, who was driving behind him, collided with him, and this resulted in the boy sustaining severe injuries. The accident occurred on Wednesday. The victim was rushed to the hospital.

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The bicycle the teenage boy was riding was left damaged at the scene of the accident. The accident on the Danube side in Wörth, OBERPFALZ, Bavaria, has raised concerns about traffic safety. The 70-year-old woman involved in the accident received a traffic violation for not maintaining a safe distance. The county of Regensburg has seen an increase in road accidents recently, reflecting on the overall traffic situation in the area.


