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A 12-year-old child takes a car and escapes from the authorities.

The Stealing Attempt by a 12-Year-Old in Diepholz: A Failed Start, but He Won't Give Up Easily - It Demands a Entire Police Force to Put a Stop to Him.

A police patrol car with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car with its flashing blue lights on.

Unlawful activities and crimes have been reported in the area. - A 12-year-old child takes a car and escapes from the authorities.

A 12-year-old boy in Barnstorf (Landkreis Diepholz) attempted to steal cars for a joyride not once but twice! He was first spotted on Monday when he stole a key from a changing room in a sports hall and tried to make off with the vehicle. But sharp-eyed witnesses stopped him before he could get the engine started.

Though the police were on their way, the clever boy didn't give up easily. He climbed out of the car and made plans to steal another one. Unfortunately, his luck didn't hold out. The police managed to chase him down with several patrol cars this time around. 16-year-old buddy was even sitting next to him in the passenger seat! The police took both boys to the station and returned them to their legal guardians.

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The joyride attempted by the 12-year-old boy originated from Lower Saxony's District of Diepholz, specifically in the town of Barnstorf. Despite getting caught once, he attempted another car theft the following day. The police were successful in apprehending both the boy and his 16-year-old accomplice in Barnstorf, bringing an end to their crime spree.

