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89-year-old robbed and seriously injured: Defendant remains silent

A 46-year-old man is standing trial in Berlin district court for allegedly tying up, gagging and robbing an 89-year-old woman in her apartment. The charge is attempted murder and aggravated robbery. The elderly woman was found in a life-threatening condition around two days after the attack. At...

A microphone in a courtroom.
A microphone in a courtroom.

Robbery - 89-year-old robbed and seriously injured: Defendant remains silent

A 46-year-old man is standing trial in Berlin district court for allegedly tying up, gagging and robbing an 89-year-old woman in her apartment. The charge is attempted murder and aggravated robbery. The elderly woman was found in a life-threatening condition around two days after the attack. At the start of the trial on Thursday, the defense lawyer stated that his client would not be making any statements at the moment.

The man with Bosnian-Herzegovinian citizenship is said to have known the senior citizen, who lived alone in an apartment in Berlin-Wedding, for some time. His former wife had worked as a domestic help for the senior citizen, it was said on the sidelines of the trial.

On March 19 of this year, the accused allegedly gained access to the 89-year-old's apartment under a pretext. He forced her onto her bed, tied her up with a shirt and gagged her with a cloth so that he could search for loot unhindered. According to the indictment, he deliberately accepted that the senior citizen could die as a result of being bound and gagged and the stress this caused. Among other things, the woman suffered fractures to her forearms and broken ribs.

The accused allegedly stole "at least 130 euros", a silver bracelet and several brass, silver and porcelain figurines. He then left the woman injured, bound and gagged. She was unable to free herself or call for help. The 46-year-old is said to have accepted that she would soon die without liquids, food or medical help.

A relative is said to have alerted the police and fire department because he was unable to reach the 89-year-old. Rescue workers found her dehydrated, unconscious and in a life-threatening condition, according to the indictment. The 46-year-old was arrested in May and has been in custody ever since. The senior citizen, who is a joint plaintiff in the proceedings, did not appear in person on the first day of the trial. The trial will continue on December 4.

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