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831 Proceedings initiated by the judiciary and media

A good four years after the launch of the initiative "Justice and the media - consistently against hate", 831 investigations have resulted. This was announced by Bavaria's Minister of Justice Georg Eisenreich (CSU) on Thursday in Munich.

Georg Eisenreich (CSU), Minister of Justice of Bavaria, speaks at a press conference.
Georg Eisenreich (CSU), Minister of Justice of Bavaria, speaks at a press conference.

Investigations - 831 Proceedings initiated by the judiciary and media

A good four years after the launch of the initiative"Justice and the media - consistently against hate", 831 investigations have resulted. This was announced by Bavaria's Minister of Justice Georg Eisenreich (CSU) in Munich on Thursday.

The Ministry of Justice has been cooperating with the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for New Media (BLM) in the initiative since October 2019. Media professionals can report hate comments under articles on the internet to the judiciary in a simple online procedure.

According to Eisenreich, by the deadline of December 1, 2023, there had been 999 such requests for investigation, which led to 831 investigations, 209 lawsuits and 141 final convictions. These ranged from fines to suspended sentences of between three and eight months. Eisenreich called the project a success. It is to be extended for a further year.

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