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80-year-old seriously injured in collision with streetcar

An 80-year-old female driver collided with a streetcar in Munich and was seriously injured. The woman was taken to hospital, the fire department announced on Sunday.

An ambulance on a mission.
An ambulance on a mission.

Accident with streetcar - 80-year-old seriously injured in collision with streetcar

The 80-year-old woman caused an accident while turning, colliding with a train that was running parallel to her. Two doctors, who were traveling in the tram privately, took care of the woman until the arrival of the ambulance. There were no injured passengers in the tram. The police estimate the damage of the accident on Saturday evening at several thousand Euros.

Press release

  1. The incident on Saturday night received widespread attention in Upper Bavaria, with Munich's fire department also being called to the scene.
  2. Interestingly, on a quieter Sunday, another streetcar accident occurred in the same area, causing minor injuries to a woman.
  3. The Fire Department of Munich, known for its efficiency, swiftly responded to both accidents, ensuring the safety and well-being of the passengers and victims.
  4. Despite the frequency of streetcar accidents in Bavaria's bustling cities, the authorities continue to invest in upgrades to the train systems to prevent future collisions.
  5. The woman who suffered injuries in the Sunday accident was a regular streetcar commuter, expressing her gratitude for the quick response and care from the fire department and fellow passengers.

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