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80 tons of liquid steel leaked into production hall

Liquid steel leaks from a production hall in Hamburg. The fire department spends hours trying to cool down the liquid metal.

The fire department expects it to take several days to cool down.
The fire department expects it to take several days to cool down.

Fire department operation - 80 tons of liquid steel leaked into production hall

Expired steel caused a fire early in the morning at a production hall in Hamburg-Waltershof. Approximately 80 tons of liquid steel had reportedly leaked from unknown causes and spread over a 200 square meter area, said a fire department spokesperson. No one was injured in the incident, according to reports.

The fire has not been able to be fully extinguished yet, as the steel only slowly cools down. The fire department therefore estimates that the cooling process will take several days. The on-site teams have not yet provided estimates for the resulting damage.

The fire department is working diligently to contain the fires sparked by the expired steel in the production hall. The operation of the fire department in Hamburg-Waltershof is crucial to control the spread of the flames, given the vast amount of steel involved. Despite the efforts of the fire department, the fire department spokesperson revealed that the production hall still houses an abundant amount of this flammable material.

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