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8 beautiful places in Germany that remain stunning even in bad weather

Bad weather is no reason to stay at home. Some landscapes in Germany become even more charming in inclement weather.

8 beautiful places in Germany that remain stunning even in bad weather / Photo: Gabriela Palai /
8 beautiful places in Germany that remain stunning even in bad weather | Photo: Gabriela Palai /

These 8 places in Germany transform into impressive backdrops for photos even in bad weather


When the sun is shining, Germany's largest sandy beach attracts sunbathers. However, even in bad weather, the island has a special charm. Sometimes the clouds are so low, especially during storms, that they seem reachable.

Эти 8 мест в Германии, среди которых есть остров Зюльт, стоит посетить. Фото: Wilhelm II. Hohenzollern, CC BY-SA 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons
8 beautiful places in Germany that remain stunning even in bad weather. Sylt. Photo: Wilhelm II. Hohenzollern / Wikimedia Commons

You can warm up with coffee and delicious pastries at places like Café Kupferkanne.

The island has everything for a comfortable stay, even in inclement weather.

Palatinate Forest

Since 1992, it has been recognized as a UNESCO biosphere reserve.

Mixed forests, meadow valleys, huge rock formations, and medieval castles make the Palatinate Forest a popular destination. The forest turns into a fairy-tale landscape when it rains.

Castle Nanstein near Landstuhl offers tours, and you can enjoy a tasty meal in the castle's tavern.

Goldenstedt Moor

The bog near Vechta has been under protection since 1984.

A 900-meter trail with informational signs crosses the area where you can see carnivorous plants, snipes, and long-eared owls.

From March to April, the moor frog's mating season turns the male's skin sky blue for a few days.

На удивление это болото тоже входит в список 8 мест в Германии, рекомендуемых к посещению в любую погоду. Фото: Volknei, CC BY-SA 3.0 / Wikimedia Commons
Goldenstedt Moor. Photo: Volknei, CC BY-SA 3.0 / Wikimedia Commons

Those who want a deeper experience can walk barefoot on a special trail over 40 meters long, circling a marshy pond using typical bog materials.


In Hamburg, waiting for good weather can be futile with an average of 133 rainy days per year. Nevertheless, a stroll through Speicherstadt is worth it. The world's largest historical warehouse complex reveals its charm in any weather.

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You can walk along Gothic brick buildings with gables and towers, canals, and bridges to the Elbphilharmonie. Built in 2016 for over 800 million euros, the building serves as a public platform with a panoramic view of the city and harbor.

Lake Constance

Approaching rain or a thunderstorm is no reason to stay indoors. Magnificent cloud formations and a breathtaking play of colors occur between the sky and the lake.

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You can also enjoy a daytime spa at the panoramic sauna of Seehotel Höri or another thermal spa center. The lake rightfully belongs to the 8 places in Germany that are good to visit in any weather.

Ghostly Forest Nienhagen

Twisted trees and nature welcome visitors on the western edge of Nienhagen, right on the Baltic Sea beach.

The Ghostly Forest is the area between Warnemünde and Heiligendamm, inspiring Rilke's poem 'Behind Innocent Trees'.

Bare and crooked tree trunks, sounds, and scents of the sea, wind, and forest floor are particularly noticeable in bad weather. A 6.6 km hiking trail leads through the forest, some trees are 170 years old. When fog envelops the forest, beech trees in the evening light appear like ghosts.

Neuschwanstein Castle

There's no bad weather for a trip to the famous Neuschwanstein Castle, as rain, fog, or snow can't overshadow its mystical atmosphere. The advantage is fewer people on gloomy days at the tourist center in the Bavarian Alps.

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Numerous hiking trails of varying difficulty lead to splendid viewpoints of the castle, which also inspired Walt Disney's logo. Along these trails, you're guaranteed to capture many beautiful photos with panoramic views.

Venner Moor in North Rhine-Westphalia

Another bog on the list, located between Lippe and Ems, near the town of Venn. The reserve reveals its magic, especially in bad weather or fog.

Quirky landscapes with tree stumps and heath stretches over a total area of 148 hectares. There's truly a lot to see here.

Tourism to Sylt remains popular even in bad weather, with the low-lying clouds and rain creating a unique and otherworldly atmosphere. The island offers cozy cafes like Café Kupferkanne for visitors to enjoy warm beverages and pastries.

Tourism in Palatinate Forest is also not affected by bad weather, as the forest transforms into a fairy-tale landscape with mist and rain, making the mixed forests, meadow valleys, and medieval castles even more enchanting.



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