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75-year-old dies in a crash in the Chiemgau Alps

A 75-year-old mountain hiker has fallen to his death near Unterwössen in the district of Traunstein in the Chiemgau Alps. The man had climbed to the summit of Dampfschiff on Thursday evening and fell vertically for about 50 meters at the summit cross for unexplained reasons, as the police...

A blue light on a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light on a police emergency vehicle.

Accident - 75-year-old dies in a crash in the Chiemgau Alps

A careful shepherdess from a nearby alp discovered a manless backpack and other utensils on the peak on Friday morning. Unable to find anyone, she descended and inquired among the nearby alms if anything was known about the items. She also came across an unsecured E-Mountainbike at the trail junction leading to the peak trail.

Unable to find anything, she understood the mountain rescue team. Together, the police and mountain rescue team launched a search. From the helicopter, the rescuers then discovered the lifeless body; the paramedic could only confirm the death.

The backpack and utensils belonged to a tourist from Germany, as noted in the identification documents found alongside. The peak where the items were discovered is a popular spot for tourism, particularly in the Bavarian region of Germany. Despite the efforts of the police and mountain rescue team, another accident occurred on the Alpine trails, involving a crash with an E-Mountainbike in the District of Traunstein. The district is known for its scenic Alps and numerous outdoor activities, but the accidents serve as a reminder of the potential dangers. The local police have urged tourists to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines to avoid such incidents.

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