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7:0 in Bernau: Easy test match start for Hertha

The Hertha BSC players have to contend with heavy rain in their first test match. But the professionals don't let it stop them having fun.

Hertha coach Cristian Fiél gives instructions.
Hertha coach Cristian Fiél gives instructions.

2nd league - 7:0 in Bernau: Easy test match start for Hertha

Five days after the training kick-off, Football-Second League team Hertha BSC began their test series with a relaxed success. In front of 4500 spectators in the sold-out Compulan-Arena of Bernau, the team of new Hertha trainer Cristian Fiel defeated the Landesligist FSV Bernau with a score of 7:0 (5:0).

Despite the fact that the pitch became waterlogged quickly due to heavy rain and the ball often stuck, the entire team showed great enthusiasm. After the first two goals at the start of the test series by Scherhant (5th and 8th minute), Dardai (9th), captain Fabian Reese (21st), and Scherhant (25th) followed.

In the second half, Fiel brought out a completely new team with the two new signings Luca Schuler and Michael Cuisance. On the increasingly difficult-to-play pitch, the Herthaners continued to show enthusiasm and scored in the 47th minute through Gustav Christensen for a 6:0. Schuler was substituted out after 65 minutes but was offside at the time.

Further rain showers during the second half made combinations increasingly difficult and even passes over short distances became a lottery. The hosts also suffered misfortune in the 48th minute when the ball stopped on the wet pitch near the goal line and prevented a supposed honor goal. Florian Niederlechner made it right four minutes before the end for the final score.

Hertha BSC website

  1. Despite the heavy rain in Bernau, Hertha BSC Berlin managed to secure a 7-0 victory against local team FSV Bernau in their 2nd league test series, with Cristian Fiel leading as their new trainer.
  2. The rain-soaked lawn at the Compulan-Arena made it challenging for the teams, but Hertha BSC demonstrated remarkable enthusiasm, scoring five goals in the first half.
  3. Hertha BSC reinforced their squad in the second half with new signings Luca Schuler and Michael Cuisance, who joined a team that continued to show resilience, even on the challenging lawn, to score an additional goal.
  4. Despite the difficult conditions, Fiel's team battled through the storm and earned yet another goal in the 47th minute, scored by Gustav Christensen, cementing their dominance in the test series against FSV Bernau.
  5. In the midst of the rainstorm, Hertha BSC Berlin, formerly known as Hertha BSC, continued their impressive victory on the hallowed grounds of Brandenburg, extending their lead in the 2nd league test series.

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