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66-year-old dies in accident

A man leaves the road on his bike. The ride ends tragically.

The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car.
The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car.

Accidents - 66-year-old dies in accident

A 66-year-old cyclist died in an accident in Roeveshagen (Landkreis Rostock). According to the police in Rostock, the cyclist came off the road to the right and fell on Friday evening. Despite resuscitation measures, the man passed away. There are currently no indications of external causation, according to the police.

The cyclist's accident occurred in the town of Rövershagen, located within Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the County of Rostock. The incident occurred on a Friday evening, leading to tragic consequences. Despite the efforts of the local police in Rostock and resuscitation measures, the cyclist unfortunately succumbed to his injuries.

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