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643 applications due to vaccination damage: AfD criticizes success rate

In Saxony, 643 applications for compensation in connection with a coronavirus vaccination have been received to date. According to an answer from the Ministry of Health to a minor question from the AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament, 452 applications have been rejected to date and...

A woman is vaccinated with a corona vaccine at a vaccination center in the city center.
A woman is vaccinated with a corona vaccine at a vaccination center in the city center.

Corona - 643 applications due to vaccination damage: AfD criticizes success rate

In Saxony, 643 applications for compensation in connection with a coronavirus vaccination have been received to date. According to an answer from the Ministry of Health to a minor question from the AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament, 452 applications have been rejected to date and 27 have been approved. AfD politician André Wendt could not understand on Monday why so many applications remained unsuccessful and spoke of a "slap in the face" for all those affected and their relatives. The impression is growing that Saxony only wants to pay out small change as compensation and has no interest in a comprehensive reappraisal of the "corona injustice". According to the Ministry of Health, 643 applications for compensation currently stand in the way of almost 7.7 million vaccinations.

Small question on coronavirus vaccination damage in Saxony

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