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62-year-old accused in the Edenkoben abuse case

A girl is abducted on her way to school and sexually abused. Charges have now been brought against the suspect. The case had caused quite a stir nationwide.

Angelika Möhlig (l-r), Senior Public Prosecutor, Andreas Sarter, Vice President of
Angelika Möhlig (l-r), Senior Public Prosecutor, Andreas Sarter, Vice President of the Rhineland-Palatinate Police, and Hubert Ströber, Senior Public Prosecutor.

Landau public prosecutor's office - 62-year-old accused in the Edenkoben abuse case

Around three months after the abduction and sexual abuse of a child in Edenkoben, Palatinate, the public prosecutor's office has brought charges against a 62-year-old man. The suspect allegedly forced the ten-year-old girl into his car on her way to school in September and later abused her in an empty building, as the Landau public prosecutor's office announced on Monday. The man, who had been convicted several times for sexual offenses, was arrested after a pursuit and the child was freed. The case had caused quite a stir.

The 62-year-old is in custody. According to the prosecution, he has "so far only admitted in his responsible interrogation that he took possession of the girl on 11.09.2023".

The Landau Regional Court must decide whether to admit the charges; only then can trial dates be set. The public prosecutor's office is also seeking preventive detention for the man with a relevant criminal record following a prison sentence.

Among other things, the crime had triggered a discussion about the compulsory fitting of an electronic ankle tag. The man was released from prison in mid-July and was then closely monitored by the police. Among other things, he was forbidden to have contact with children and young people and to be near playgrounds, swimming pools, schools and kindergartens. Furthermore, he was not allowed to have an internet-enabled cell phone or a laptop in order to avoid taking photos or videos.

According to the investigators, the man had violated these instructions. He had also not complied with the instruction to accept offers of therapy. Previously, the accused had also refused to wear an electronic ankle bracelet, according to the information provided. The authorities referred to the legal regulations according to which such an ankle bracelet cannot be put on under duress.

A few days before the crime, the Frankenthal public prosecutor's office applied for an arrest warrant because the man had violated these conditions. However, the files containing the arrest warrant were only forwarded to the responsible district court after a delay due to the illness of an employee and only arrived after the crime, according to Rhineland-Palatinate Justice Minister Herbert Mertin (FDP).

Following the case, Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) said that Rhineland-Palatinate wanted to tighten the legal framework for wearing an electronic ankle bracelet in the amendment to the Police and Public Order Act - including for sex offenders.

Statement from the public prosecutor's office

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