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56-year-old dies: suspected violent crime

In Cuxhaven on Sunday morning, relatives found a 56-year-old man who died despite immediate resuscitation attempts. Initial examinations of the Cuxhaven man revealed indications of a violent crime, according to the police. A homicide squad has been set up. No further details can be given at...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Cuxhaven - 56-year-old dies: suspected violent crime

In Cuxhaven on Sunday morning, relatives found a 56-year-old man who died despite immediate resuscitation attempts. Initial examinations of the Cuxhaven man revealed indications of a violent crime, according to the police. A homicide squad has been set up. No further details can be given at present. Witnesses who made suspicious observations during the night are asked to contact the Cuxhaven police (04721 5730).


Read also:

  1. The police in Lower Saxony's Cuxhaven are currently investigating a case of criminality, as a violent crime is suspected to have led to the death of a 56-year-old man, whose life could not be saved despite a resuscitation attempt.
  2. Following the tragic incident in Cuxhaven, the local police are urging anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious activities during the night to come forward, as every piece of information could help in solving the violent crime and bringing those responsible to justice.
  3. In a stark contrast to the ongoing investigation in Cuxhaven, a clan member in Germany was recently punished for his criminal activities, highlighting the harsh consequences of engaging in violent crime.


