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550 new places in initial reception centers: Expansion target missed

In the summer, tents had to be erected in the Eisenhüttenstadt reception center to accommodate thousands of refugees on a makeshift basis. The situation has eased with the winter weather and border controls. And now hundreds of new places have been completed.

Migrants walk across the grounds of the Central Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (ZABH).
Migrants walk across the grounds of the Central Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (ZABH).

Migration - 550 new places in initial reception centers: Expansion target missed

550 additional places for refugees can be used in Brandenburg's initial reception centers. In Wünsdorf 300, in Eisenhüttenstadt 200 and in Frankfurt (Oder) 50 places were completed in container facilities shortly before Christmas, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Interior said in response to an inquiry. A further 650 places are to be created in the first quarter of the new year. The spokesperson did not comment on the locations.

At the same time, however, a home in the center of Eisenhüttenstadt with 500 places is to be closed in February because the standard is no longer sufficient, as the head of the Central Aliens Office, Olaf Jansen, explained. There are still 170 refugees living there.

This means that the Ministry of the Interior has missed its original target of creating an additional 1500 places in the initial reception centers this year. Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) had announced this expansion in the summer after the maximum length of stay for men traveling alone with no prospects of remaining in the initial reception facility was extended from 3 months to 18 months.

Nevertheless, Jansen does not currently anticipate any bottlenecks in the initial reception centers. This is because for weeks now, it has mainly been refugees from Syria and Afghanistan arriving alone who have a good chance of being recognized as asylum seekers. Once they have been recognized, they and their families are distributed to accommodation in the districts.

The situation in the initial reception facilities is currently quite relaxed with an occupancy rate of around 66%. This is due to the fact that only a few refugees are still arriving because of the strict border controls and the winter weather, said Jansen. According to the ministry, 3141 of the 4,758 places in the initial reception centers were occupied as of December 20.

However, Jansen expects more new refugees to arrive by spring at the latest. The tents with camp beds that were set up in late summer are still standing in Eisenhüttenstadt.

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