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5000 more unemployed by the start of summer

In the summer, especially young people look for a new job or an apprenticeship, which initially increases the number of unemployed people. However, the agency gives these people hope.

In summer, particularly young people flock to the Hessian job market.
In summer, particularly young people flock to the Hessian job market.

- 5000 more unemployed by the start of summer

The number of unemployed people in Hessen rose significantly in July. As of July 15, 197,059 people were registered as unemployed, according to the regional office of the Federal Employment Agency. This was almost 5,000 more than in June and even 15,500 more than a year ago. The unemployment rate increased by 0.2 percentage points to 5.6 percent in the month.

The increase in the summer is reportedly usual, as many young people start looking for new jobs after finishing school or training. Frank Martin, director of the regional office, explains: "Usually, the number of young unemployed decreases significantly by October. Many will find a job or training position, and the start of school and university will also reduce the numbers."

There are currently around 49,000 unfilled jobs in Hessen. The agencies have received around 33,000 training positions, with around 32,000 applicants, of whom around 10,500 have not yet received a positive response. The regional office estimates that there are around 13,500 unfilled training positions. Retail salespersons, salespersons, and retail business management professionals are in high demand.

There are still around 49,000 unfilled jobs in Hessen. According to director Martin, the labor market currently lacks economic momentum. "When hiring is done, it is mainly for qualified personnel. Therefore, people without training are particularly affected by unemployment." Four out of five jobs require vocational or academic training. At the same time, around 60 percent, or around 119,000 of the registered unemployed, do not have the appropriate qualifications.

The discussion on employment in Hessen also encompasses the realm of social security. The regional office of the Federal Employment Agency is responsible for both unemployment benefits and job placement services.

Given the high number of unfilled jobs and the large pool of unemployed individuals without the required qualifications, the issue of employment and social security is of significant concern in Hessen.

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