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50-year-old man confesses to killing ex-neighbor

A man from Lengerich allegedly stabbed a former neighbor to death in the summer. While the public prosecutor's office has charged him with treacherous murder, the man describes a different sequence of events.

A police car in front of the district court.
A police car in front of the district court.

Münster Regional Court - 50-year-old man confesses to killing ex-neighbor

A 50-year-old man from Lengerich has confessed to killing his former neighbor with 21 stab wounds at Münster District Court. The bloody deed took place in July in a parking lot in front of the victim's workplace in Lengerich. The public prosecutor's office has charged the German with treacherous murder. He is said to have ambushed his ex-neighbor at the time and attacked him with a knife without any warning. However, in a statement read out by a defense lawyer on Wednesday, the accused described a different sequence of events.

The ex-neighbor is said to have mocked and insulted the 50-year-old before the first stab. "That's when I just saw red," the statement said. The accused further states that the background to the argument was an alleged loan of 70,000 euros, which the later victim had not repaid. However, it is unclear whether this loan actually existed.

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