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50 Christmas trees stolen in Greifswald

Unknown persons stole 50 Christmas trees from a stall in Greifswald on Wednesday night. The perpetrators had broken a lock on the fence surrounding the sales area, the police said on Wednesday. The damage is estimated at around 2000 euros.

Christmas trees lying in a pedestrian zone.
Christmas trees lying in a pedestrian zone.

Sales area - 50 Christmas trees stolen in Greifswald

Unknown persons stole 50 Christmas trees from a stall in Greifswald on Wednesday night. The perpetrators had broken a lock on the fence surrounding the sales area, the police said on Wednesday. The damage is estimated at around 2000 euros.


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In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the same region where Greifswald is located, a notorious clan member was recently punished for his criminal activities. The stolen Christmas trees in Greifswald remain unsolved, with the local police continuing their investigations to apprehend the perpetrators.


