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5 Tips on how to negotiate a higher salary in Germany

Everyone wants to earn well. Therefore, if the salary is not satisfactory, you can try to negotiate an increase.

5 Tips on how to negotiate a higher salary in Germany / Photo: Sora Shimazaki /
5 Tips on how to negotiate a higher salary in Germany | Photo: Sora Shimazaki /

You can always negotiate a higher salary. These 5 tips will help:

1. Research the salary range for a specific profession and position

Before entering into negotiations, it's essential to understand the salary expectations based on the role, position, and skill level. Salaries vary across industries, and factors such as location and organization type can also influence the target salary.

2. Consider your salary and the cost of living

Whether it's starting a new job or negotiating a salary increase, understanding the amount needed for a comfortable life is crucial. Due to relatively high social costs in Germany, the "brutto" (gross income) is significantly higher than the "netto" (net income).

Всегда можно попробовать договориться о более высокой зарплате. Фото: Anna Shvets /
5 Tips on how to negotiate a higher salary in Germany. Photo: Anna Shvets /

You can use the German salary tax calculator to find out how much money will end up in your pocket after deducting all taxes. After obtaining this figure, you need to calculate your living expenses. This, along with researching the average salary range, will provide a good idea of how much you can request.

3. Don't accept the first offer

Negotiating a higher salary won't be possible if you immediately agree to the proposed amount. When you receive the initial offer, don't accept it right away. Consider whether there's an opportunity to improve the terms, perhaps through higher benefits.

4. Stay within reasonable expectations

Negotiations inherently involve a process of mutual concessions. The company negotiating won't get everything it wants, just as the employee won't. This is normal; accept it at the beginning of the negotiations.

Understand that even if the full package of desired services isn't provided, there are always options. It might be possible to negotiate this later when the employer sees how hardworking and responsibly the person fulfills their duties.

5. Consider using private health insurance as a negotiation tactic

Private health insurance packages can save employers an average of 2000 euros per year compared to state insurance. This saving can more than compensate for a salary increase and should, therefore, be a tactic to consider at the negotiation table.

After conducting salary research for your desired role in Germany, you might discover that your current offer falls below the average salary range.

Given the relatively high social costs in Germany, salaries in Germany are significantly affected by the difference between bruto (gross income) and netto (net income).

