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4000 bus drivers wanted in Bavaria

According to estimates by their association, Bavarian bus companies are short of 4000 drivers. According to the Landesverband Bayerischer Omnibusunternehmen (LBO) on Friday, the shortage of staff is likely to worsen considerably in the coming years as many drivers are approaching retirement age.

A bus crosses the central ring road during rush hour.
A bus crosses the central ring road during rush hour.

Labor market - 4000 bus drivers wanted in Bavaria

According to estimates by their association, Bavarian bus companies are short of 4000 drivers. The state association of Bavarian bus companies (LBO) announced on Friday that the staff shortage is likely to worsen considerably in the coming years, as many drivers are approaching retirement age.

The estimate is based on a survey of over 1,000 member companies, in which around 300 companies took part. In 2022, the association had still assumed a shortage of 2,500 drivers.

According to the survey, the active drivers already include almost 4,000 pensioners who work full or part-time. "Without their support, there would be far more shortfalls across the board than there currently are," commented LBO Managing Director Stephan Rabl. Of the remaining employees who have not yet reached retirement age, 45 percent are already 55 years or older.

Lesen Sie auch:

In an effort to alleviate the shortage, Bavarian bus companies are considering recruiting drivers from other regions, as the labor market for bus drivers in Munich and beyond is tight. Despite the retirement of many experienced drivers, the bus service in Bavaria continues to face heavy traffic, with buses often delayed due to congestion.


