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33-year-old stabbed to death: Suspect arrested

A 33-year-old man has been stabbed and injured in Fulda. The suspected perpetrator was arrested, as the police and public prosecutor's office in Fulda announced on Wednesday. According to the police, they had been alerted to an injured person on Monday afternoon. They then found a 33-year-old...

A hand holds handcuffs in front of a police patrol car.
A hand holds handcuffs in front of a police patrol car.

Fulda - 33-year-old stabbed to death: Suspect arrested

A 33-year-old man has been stabbed and injured in Fulda. The suspected perpetrator was arrested, the Fulda police and public prosecutor's office announced on Wednesday. According to the police, they had been alerted to an injured person on Monday afternoon. They then found a 33-year-old man on the sidewalk with stab wounds to his back. The injured man was taken to hospital and his condition is currently stable, they said.

The police reportedly arrested a suspect shortly afterwards. According to the police, initial indications point to his involvement in the crime. The 37-year-old was brought before a magistrate in Fulda on Tuesday. However, pre-trial detention was suspended on condition. The exact background to the crime is still unclear. The investigations by the Fulda public prosecutor's office and the criminal investigation department are ongoing.

Police report

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The arrest took place at the public prosecutor's office in Hesse, related to the stabbing incident in Fulda. The suspect is accused of criminality in connection with the fatal attack on the 33-year-old man.


