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317 million euros invested in the State Garden Show

In spring, Wangen im Allgäu hosts the State Garden Show. Not only flowers and trees will be planted for the event. The show also provides a tailwind for the infrastructure, says the mayor.

Site of the State Garden Show in Wangen im Allgäu.
Site of the State Garden Show in Wangen im Allgäu.

Municipalities - 317 million euros invested in the State Garden Show

Private and public funds amounting to 317 million euros will be invested in Wangen when it hosts the 2024 State Garden Show. "Almost everything that is built as part of the preparations for the State Garden Show is permanent," said the mayor of the town in Baden-Württemberg, Michael Lang (non-party). Only the exhibition contributions would be dismantled. For the town in the Allgäu region, this means a big leap forward in terms of infrastructure.

Thanks to the tailwind of the State Garden Show, an old industrial area will be reactivated - with apartments for around 1,500 people, a kindergarten, an event hall and commercial premises for around 500 jobs. New cycle and footpaths including five new bridges and a park are under construction. The city itself is contributing 89 million euros to the expansion, 53 million of which is being financed through land sales and subsidies.

The State Garden Show will open its doors to garden and plant fans on April 26. The organizers are expecting 500,000 visitors by the time it closes on October 6. Around 7000 season tickets have already been sold, said the Lord Mayor.

The agenda includes more than 2000 events over 164 days. Innovative show gardens are one of the focal points. According to the organizers, 3000 trees and shrubs will be specially planted. The site covers a total area of 40 hectares - the equivalent of more than 50 soccer pitches.

Website Landesgartenschau

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