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31 prisoners in the north pardoned before Christmas

Christmas in freedom: For 31 prisoners, their time in Schleswig-Holstein ended a few days early. However, this is only possible under certain conditions.

Prisoners look out of the barred cell windows in the Hamburg remand prison on Holstenglacis.
Prisoners look out of the barred cell windows in the Hamburg remand prison on Holstenglacis.

Justice - 31 prisoners in the north pardoned before Christmas

As of December 11, 31 prisoners have been released from prison in Schleswig-Holstein under the clemency route. "The granting of clemency on the occasion of Christmas is excluded for prisoners who have been sentenced to disciplinary detention in prison after October 1, 2023," a spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice told the German Press Agency. Last year, 27 prisoners were granted "Christmas clemency".

According to the ministry, the condition for early release is that the sentence ends regularly in the period up to January 6, 2024. In addition, no other prison sentence must already be pending.

The spokesperson said that the Christmas amnesty, colloquially known as the Christmas amnesty, is a good tradition. "In view of the approaching Christmas festivities, it is possible under certain circumstances to refrain from enforcing a sentence that is still only a minor one and thus to grant mercy before justice." This is an expression of humane criminal prosecution, which also recognizes charity and mercy.

According to the ministry, 1223 of the 1438 prison places in the north were occupied as of December 13. This also includes the juvenile facility.

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