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300th birthday of the philosopher Immanuel Kant: show in Bonn

Immanuel Kant is one of the great philosophers. The Bundeskunsthalle is dedicating an exhibition to the thinker of the Enlightenment. It is also aimed at a younger audience: they can immerse themselves in Kant's world with VR views and a graphic novel.

A scoreboard lights up at the
A scoreboard lights up at the

300th birthday of the philosopher Immanuel Kant: show in Bonn

To mark the 300th birthday of Immanuel Kant next year, the Bundeskunsthalle is presenting the philosopher of the Enlightenment in an exhibition. "Immanuel Kant and the unanswered questions" presents the biography of the thinker (1724-1804), including a wall-filling graphic novel. Paintings, scientific instruments, maps and wall texts illustrate the core themes of the Enlightenment. The exhibition (November 24 to March 17, 2024) is also intended to appeal to a young audience unfamiliar with philosophy, according to the Bundeskunsthalle.

Kant spent almost his entire life in Königsberg. In the exhibition, visitors can take a virtual tour of the baroque city, which was destroyed in 1944/45. VR stations allow visitors to take an imaginary journey into the philosopher's world at the time. His call to "Have the courage to use your own intellect!" became the motto of the Enlightenment and has lost none of its urgency, explained the museum. A first edition of Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason", printed in Königsberg in 1781, lies in a display case.


