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27 arrests in operation against grandchild fraudsters

Investigators from Germany, Poland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the European police authority Europol have launched an international operation against so-called grandchild fraudsters. 27 suspects were arrested between November 27 and December 8, as the Berlin public prosecutor's...

A woman holds a smartphone in her hands.
A woman holds a smartphone in her hands.

Telephone fraud - 27 arrests in operation against grandchild fraudsters

Investigators from Germany, Poland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the European police authority Europol have launched an international operation against so-called grandchild fraudsters. 27 suspects were arrested between November 27 and December 8, as the Berlin public prosecutor's office announced on Tuesday. 74 crimes with an estimated loss of five million euros were prevented.

According to the information, around 1,000 officers were involved daily in the two-week operation, which was led by the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office (LKA) and coordinated by the Berlin LKA in consultation with the Berlin public prosecutor's office.

According to the information provided, the suspects claimed on the phone, mainly to elderly people, that a family member had caused a car accident and that only the immediate payment of a high bail could avoid imprisonment.

The police have also observed that the suspects have recently been choosing their victims with the help of obituaries. From the obituaries, they learn the names of the children of the deceased, who are then named as the alleged perpetrators in front of the bereaved. The suspects thus take advantage of the time of mourning.

Thanks to the cross-border cooperation of all the departments involved, it was possible to arrest not only suspects who were responsible for logistics and collecting money, but also callers. The dismantling of a call center in a suburb of Warsaw was cited as a major success. In Lippstadt in North Rhine-Westphalia, two suspects were arrested during a money transfer.

Press release

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