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265 million euros for the expansion of the Lübbenau-Cottbus line

A good infrastructure is a prerequisite for the development of Lusatia during structural change. A double-track expansion between Cottbus and Lübbenau should contribute to this - for a better connection to Berlin. The next step has been taken.

Traffic - 265 million euros for the expansion of the Lübbenau-Cottbus line

Another major step has been taken in the double-track expansion of the Lübbenau-Cottbus railroad line. On Tuesday, Deutsche Bahn, the federal and state governments and the Berlin-Brandenburg Transport Association (VBB) presented the financing agreement for the line. According to Deutsche Bahn, trains will run every 30 minutes from the end of 2027. Construction is scheduled to begin at the end of 2026 and a total of around 265 million euros will be invested in the expansion. Of this, 255 million euros will come from the Coal Regions Investment Act. Brandenburg had made an advance contribution with start-up funding.

The construction project will allow more trains to run in future. According to the railroad company, in addition to the construction of the second track, twelve level crossings will be adapted on the almost 30-kilometre-long line. A second platform is being built in Raddusch, Kunersdorf and Kolkwitz. Noise barriers are also to be built on the line. The Görlitz Railway from Berlin to Görlitz, which went into operation in 1866, has been single-track on the Lübbenau - Cottbus section since 1945.

Expansion important for Lusatian development

The continuous double-track expansion plays a key role in the success of the structural change in Lusatia, explained Alexander Kaczmarek, Group Representative for Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. "With the second track, we are creating additional capacity and thus more stability and services in rail traffic between Berlin and the Spreewald and Lusatia." Brandenburg's Infrastructure Minister Rainer Genilke (CDU) also sees an important step for the transport turnaround in Brandenburg.

For the VBB, the federal government's funding commitment proves that the investments made by the states of Berlin and Brandenburg in the planning of the so-called i2030 projects are bearing fruit. "Planning is in full swing for a whole series of rail projects," explained VBB Managing Director Ute Bonde. "We hope that many more funding commitments from the federal government will follow in the coming months and years, so that regional and suburban rail services can be continuously expanded."

Better connection to ICE maintenance depot

Bonde also sees a positive side effect: the double track will improve the connection to the new ICE plant in Cottbus, which will start operations in January and be fully completed by 2026. The first 400 of 1,200 jobs are to be created there when it opens. The skilled workers will mainly come from Lusatia, but also from other regions.

Business and politicians in southern Brandenburg see the expansion as one of the most important points for relocation and immigration during the structural change. They have repeatedly criticized the federal government's sluggish planning for the expansion in Lusatia. Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) would also like to see the line expanded more quickly. He had pointed out that part of the railroad line from Cottbus to Lübbenau had been dismantled as reparations after the Second World War.

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