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23 parties submit state lists for state parliament elections

Wolfram Günther (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Saxony's Environment Minister, stands behind numerous...
Wolfram Günther (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Saxony's Environment Minister, stands behind numerous election posters during his party's campaign presentation for the 2024 state elections.

Candidacy - 23 parties submit state lists for state parliament elections

For the Saxony state election on September 1st, 20 parties submitted state lists. The Landeswahlleiter announced this on Friday after the deadline for registration had passed. Among the parties that want to participate in the election are, in addition to the politically represented forces, newcomers and smaller parties such as the Left Alliance (BSW) or the Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans. The Landeswahlausschuss will decide on participation in the 2024 Saxony state election on July 5th.

The Party for Change, Vegetarians and Vegans, which hails from Kamenz, has also submitted a state list for the upcoming Saxony state election. Despite their relative candidacy, they are considered one of the smaller parties participating in the elections. If they manage to secure enough votes, they might represent Kamenz in the next National list after the state election.

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