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209 gay couples exchanged vows in the nation during 2023.

Since 2017, same-sex marriages have been legal in Saxony-Anhalt, but they make up a small portion of the total marriages in the region.

Two men cut a wedding cake after getting married in Hamm town hall.
Two men cut a wedding cake after getting married in Hamm town hall.

Agreeing statement - 209 gay couples exchanged vows in the nation during 2023.

Last year, Saxony-Anhalt witnessed 209 same-sex marriages take place. Out of these, nine registered partnerships were changed to marriages. The breakdown of these marriages was 116 female couples and 93 male couples. This equates to approximately 2.5% of the total marriages that took place in the state last year, which numbered 8,469. Since October 1, 2017, same-sex couples have been legally allowed to exchange vows in the region.

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In Saxony-Anhalt, women accounted for 54.2% of the 116 female same-sex married couples last year, while men made up the majority in the 93 male couples. Additionally, the total number of families formed through same-sex marriages in Saxony-Anhalt during 2023, based on the mentioned 209 marriages, can be estimated through statistics to be around 418, assuming an average of 2 individuals in each married couple.

