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2023 a warm year in Lower Saxony and Bremen according to DWD

2023 will be one of the warmest years on record in Lower Saxony and Bremen. This is according to the preliminary annual balance sheet of the German Weather Service (DWD), which was published on Friday. New temperature highs were already recorded in January.

The sun rises while mist rises between old fruit trees.
The sun rises while mist rises between old fruit trees.

Climate - 2023 a warm year in Lower Saxony and Bremen according to DWD

2023 will be one of the warmest years on record in Lower Saxony and Bremen. This is according to the preliminary annual balance sheet of the German Weather Service (DWD), which was published on Friday. New temperature highs were already recorded in January.

In Lower Saxony, the average temperature was 10.8 degrees. The month of June was the sunniest since measurements began. There was another record in winter: It has never rained so much in December since measurements began. There was a total of 1070 liters of rain per square meter in Lower Saxony this year. The sun shone for 1655 hours in the second cloudiest region. In comparison: in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, the sun shone for a total of 200 hours more at 1855 hours.

According to the DWD, 2023 was also a warm year in Bremen with an average temperature of 11.1 degrees. On New Year's Eve, the year began with a record 16.1 degrees. May was extremely dry in the smallest federal state. A total of 1025 liters of rain per square meter were measured in Bremen. The sun shone for 1670 hours.

For Germany as a whole, 2023 was the warmest year since measurements began in 1881. On average, the temperature in Germany was more than two degrees above the values from the reference years. The average temperature in 2023 was 10.6 degrees for the first time. "2023 was a new global record temperature year. Climate change continues unabated," said Tobias Fuchs, Director of Climate and Environment at DWD.

PM German weather 2023

Read also:

  1. The warming trend in Germany's climate was evident in cities like Offenbach as well, with 2023 being one of the warmest years recorded.
  2. To understand the impact of climate change on rainfall, scientists at the DWD studied precipitation data in various regions, including Bremen, where the annual rainfall amounted to 1025 liters per square meter.
  3. In the context of Germany's annual weather report, the German Weather Service (DWD) analyzed the weather conditions in various regions, including Lower Saxony, which recorded its highest December rainfall ever, with a total of 1070 liters per square meter.
  4. Weather enthusiasts and climate scientists alike relied on the annual balance sheet provided by the DWD, which incorporated data from all over Germany, from Bavaria with its 1855 sunshine hours to Lower Saxony with its second-cloudiest region.
  5. As the Director of Climate and Environment at DWD, Tobias Fuchs emphasized the seriousness of the ongoing climate change, stating that 2023 was not only a warm year in Germany but also a new global record temperature year, as highlighted in the annual balance sheet.




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