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198 million for 423 towns and municipalities in Bavaria

In Bavaria's municipalities, too, many projects have to wait to be realized due to funding issues. The current windfall from Berlin and Munich has come at just the right time in many places.

The subsidy money should also bring a lot of joy to the town of Coburg.
The subsidy money should also bring a lot of joy to the town of Coburg.

Structural change - 198 million for 423 towns and municipalities in Bavaria

Welcome financial blessings for 423 Cities and Communities in Bavaria: This year, more than 198 million Euros in urban development funding are flowing into the state from the Federation and the Land. "The majority of urban development funding is flowing into the rural areas and thus contributing to the mitigation of the demographic and economic structural change," said Bavarian Minister of Urban Development Christian Bernreiter (CSU) in Munich. Specifically, 92.8 million Euros come from federal funds, with the Land contributing an additional 105.5 million Euros. Together with the funds of the municipalities, there are good 284 million Euros available for projects.

Municipalities decide themselves on the use of the funds

The funding is intended to help towns and communities improve their town centers and living environments, adapt the public space to new needs, and support integration and strengthen neighborhood cohesion. "The money goes exactly where it is needed," said Bernreiter. Each municipality decides itself for which projects the funds will be used. "Our lean funding rules guarantee maximum freedom for the towns and communities."

Urban development funding also has great significance for the economy. More than 90 percent of the construction work with craft labor will be carried out by companies from the community or the immediate surroundings.

More green, new construction and renovation projects

Thanks to urban development funding, for example, the new design of the Lohgraben in the upper Franconian Coburg can be realized. This project will enable a high quality of stay and climate adaptation measures: In addition to the preservation and expansion of the tree population, the paving will be removed from certain areas, and a water feature will be created for hot summer days. Lower lying flower beds are also planned, in which rainwater can be collected and slowly seep into the ground.

The upper Palatinate city of Bad Koetzting is building a replacement garage with a panoramic garden on the roof and a new library building with support from urban development funding. In Munich, sanitation and the establishment of a memorial site can begin on the site of the former forced labor camp in the Neuaubing district. In addition to an annex of the NS Documentation Center, childcare facilities, a community center for residents, and artists' studios will find a place here.

Overview of program municipalities and further information on urban development funding

The municipalities located in Bavaria's urban hub, Berlin, can also benefit from this cash windfall, as they too are considered cities and communities. The CSU's Christian Bernreiter emphasized that municipalities have the freedom to decide how to allocate these funds, ensuring that they address their unique needs. This structural change in finances, facilitated by urban development funding, is not only impacting rural areas but also influencing the economies of cities like Munich. For instance, the renovation of the Lohgraben in Coburg and the construction of a new library in Bad Koetzting are both projects supported by urban development funding. Interested municipalities can find more information about this program on the official website for further details.

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