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19-year-old girl sunk: new sentence in appeal trial

The body of a young woman is found in a canal in the Weser in 2020 - tied to a concrete slab. A court convicts two men and one woman. After an appeal decision, the case was retried. Now a verdict has been reached.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Verden Regional Court - 19-year-old girl sunk: new sentence in appeal trial

The Verden Regional Court has once again handed down a verdict in the trial concerning a woman who was dumped in the River Weser. The court revised its sentence downwards on Tuesday, as a court spokeswoman announced after the appeal trial. The main defendant must therefore serve seven years and nine months in prison. His ex-wife received a sentence of two and a half years, while his accomplice must serve three years and five months in prison. The sentencing decision is not yet final.

The district court had already sentenced the defendants in 2021. Murder, as charged, could not be proven against the Germans at the time. The court was unable to clarify how the 19-year-old victim died. A bargeman had found her in a lock canal in the district of Nienburg in spring 2020 - unclothed and tied to a concrete slab and sunk in the river.

In the 2021 trial, the defendants were sentenced for other offenses, the main defendant to eight years in prison for, among other things, the serious forced prostitution of the victim. The then 41-year-old is said to have tried to market the young woman as a prostitute together with his best friend and his former partner - even though the victim was incapable of controlling her own sexuality due to paranoid schizophrenia.

The then 54-year-old co-defendant had received a prison sentence of three years and nine months in the first trial, while the then 40-year-old co-defendant was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison. The prosecution and defense appealed against the guilty verdict. In May, the Federal Court of Justice ruled that the sentences had to be retried, but that the verdict of the regional court was largely final.

In the appeal proceedings, the regional court said that it had now reduced the sentences for all three defendants. The court had taken into account that the crime had been committed a long time ago. In addition, the living conditions of the two co-defendants had improved in the meantime.

Read also:

  1. The 19-year-old victim was discovered in the River Weser, located in the district of Nienburg, which is part of Lower Saxony.
  2. The Revision process at the Verden Regional Court led to a reduction in the sentences for all three defendants, a 19-year-old man, his ex-wife, and his accomplice.
  3. The main defendant was originally sentenced to eight years in prison for forced prostitution, among other crimes, but his sentence was revised downwards to seven years and nine months.
  4. The Court Spokeswoman from the Verden Regional Court announced that the sentencing decisions are not yet final, and the processes involving penal measures are still underway.
  5. The woman who was dumped in the River Weser faced criminality, including forced prostitution and other unspecified offenses, which were considered in the court trials.




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