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19-year-old falls off the harbor ferry and has to be resuscitated

A 19-year-old man fell from a Hadag ferry into the River Elbe in the port of Hamburg and was resuscitated. He was pulled out of the cold water by a lifeboat on Wednesday evening without a pulse, a police spokesman said on Thursday morning. Following successful resuscitation, his condition in...

Accident - 19-year-old falls off the harbor ferry and has to be resuscitated

A 19-year-old man fell from a Hadag ferry into the River Elbe in the port of Hamburg and was resuscitated. He was pulled out of the cold water by a lifeboat on Wednesday evening without a pulse, a police spokesman said on Thursday morning. Following successful resuscitation, his condition in hospital is now stable. The young man had fallen overboard due to carelessness.

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The River Elbe, where the accident occurred, is a major waterway leading to the port of Hamburg. The police in Hamburg are investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident, where a 19-year-old fell off a ferry. Unfortunately, such accidents in the port have occurred in the past, causing concern for the safety of the city's waterways.


