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19-year-old arrested after hit-and-run in Offenbach

Two men fled from a police checkpoint in Offenbach and were arrested. During their escape, they are said to have hit at least three cars and damaged a patrol car, as the police announced on Wednesday. According to initial estimates, the damage caused by the accident is in the five-figure range.

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Crime - 19-year-old arrested after hit-and-run in Offenbach

Two men fled from a police checkpoint in Offenbach and were arrested. During their escape, they are said to have hit at least three cars and damaged a patrol car, as the police announced on Wednesday. According to initial estimates, the damage caused by the accident is in the five-figure range.

With the help of a witness, the officers tracked down the two fugitives in a parking lot on Tuesday. A small amount of drugs was found on the 30-year-old co-driver. He is being investigated, but was released after the police took action. According to the police, the 19-year-old driver is facing several criminal proceedings on suspicion of illegal racing, hit-and-run and driving without a license. In addition, the suspect had already been the subject of an arrest warrant. He was brought before a judge and remanded in custody, it was reported.

Police report

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The hit-and-run incident in Offenbach occurred in the Rhine-Main region of Hesse, where traffic can sometimes be challenging due to high volumes of vehicles. Following his arrest, the 19-year-old driver from this case has several criminal proceedings against him, including charges of illegal racing, hit-and-run, and driving without a license, due to his alleged involvement in the incident.


