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19-year-old alleged to have sexually abused children

A 19-year-old man is now on trial at Kiel District Court for sexual abuse of children and rape. The prosecution accuses the young man of four acts.

Start of trial - 19-year-old alleged to have sexually abused children

A 19-year-old man has been on trial at Kiel District Court since Thursday on suspicion of sexual abuse of children. At the start of the trial, only the indictment was read out, as a court spokesperson said on Thursday. The accused is charged with several acts from April 2023. As he was 18 years old at the time of the offense, it is possible that the public will be excluded for parts of the hearing of evidence.

Among other things, the accused is accused of forcing a twelve-year-old girl to go with him to an abandoned shack in Bordesholm (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district) under threat. Sexual acts are said to have taken place there.

One day later, in Neumünster, the accused allegedly forced a young woman to partially undress by threatening her with a knife. Sexual acts also took place there, some of which the young man is said to have filmed with his cell phone. He then allegedly threatened to kill the girl. According to the court, the victim was 17 years old at the time of the crime.

The public prosecutor also accuses the accused of grabbing the buttocks of a twelve-year-old girl in Bordesholm. The child fled, leaving behind her bicycle and a cloth bag. The accused is said to have stolen the bag containing a cell phone and some cash.

Nine further hearings are planned in the trial. A verdict could be reached in mid-February.

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